Year: 2019

Hats to support the Atlas

Announcing the new Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas hats, designed by artist/herper Hannah Thorne! All hats are Adams low-profile, pigment dyed, 100% cotton caps with adjustable leather strap and antique brass buckle, and cool-crown mesh inside. They are one-size-fits-most. The

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Snakes and Dead Creek Day

Herpers, this is the time of year to find snakes on the roads when you are out walking, biking, or driving (slowly).  Snakes are now mowing from foraging areas to denning areas on warm sunny fall days and that means

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Northern Leopard Frog-pocalypse? No, but…

Over the past week I have received many e-mails, phone calls, and reports of huge numbers of small frogs along the Otter Creek floodplains of Cornwall, Leicester, and Salisbury. Landowners report not wanting to mow their lawns; pool owners have

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Mama turtles on the move

Herpers, this Tuesday I drove to Bennington and back and saw three Snapping Turtles and three Painted Turtles crossing the roads. From mid-May through June female turtles are leaving the water and traveling overland to their favorite egg-laying locations. This

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Event: Cornwall Walk, May 18

Come for A Walk in the Woods, as we join Jim Andrews for the Follow-up Walk of “Slippery Creatures: Salamanders and Frogs!” We’ll look for vernal pools in the woods, with salamander and frog eggs, as well as see them

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Herp Activity

Herpers, with sun and warmer temperatures arriving over the weekend and through yesterday, many of the later-season, warmth-loving reptiles and amphibians became active. Large-bodied snakes like Eastern Ratsnakes and Timber Rattlesnakes were emerging from their dens. Painted Turtles, Northern Map

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Protecting amphibians (video interview with Jim)

Enjoy this brief video interview with Jim about conserving amphibians Via NBC Boston at

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to Herpers: catching up, volunteers for data gaps

Herpers, reports are pouring in. Thanks for sending them in. I am still about 50 reports behind, so it will take me a while to catch up. Spring has now arrived statewide. A small group of volunteers joined me to

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Event: Amphibians and more in the Black River Watershed (April 23, 2019)

Herpers, if you are interested/available, and live somewhere near Craftsbury. I have a presentation coming up tomorrow night. See below. 2019 COC Forestry and Conservation Seminar Series: Changes in the Forests and Fields Around Us – a deep dive into

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to Herpers: Spring Amphibian Migration

Herpers, reports coming in from last night reflect what we had suspected: most of the early amphibian migration to wetlands in the Lake Champlain Basin has ended and Steve Parren and others report the earliest breeders (Blue-spotted Salamanders and Wood

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