to the Herpers: Amphibians on the move last night
a note from Jim:
Herpers, conditions were good for amphibian migration in the Lake Champlain Basin and at least one central Vermont town last night.
Cindy Sprague and Jeff Salisbury both got out in Huntington and reported Spring Peepers, Spotted Salamanders, Wood Frogs, and American Toads.
David Hoag was out surveying on Grand Isle and found many of the same species with the addition of some Blue-spotted Group salamanders and a Northern Leopard Frog.
Steve Parren visited his Monkton survey location near the amphibian underpasses and added a Pickerel Frog and some Eastern Newts to the mix. He reports that most of the Spotted Salamanders were moving away from their breeding location. Sadly, although traffic is reduced as a result of the pandemic, he still saw many road-killed amphibians (44 dead out of 109) on that road. The underpasses are working well, but there are many sections of that road not served by the three underpasses.
The find of the night was a new location for Four-toed Salamanders in Essex, near Indian Brook Reservoir that Larry Clarfeld documented. Looking at Google Earth I can see what looks like good breeding habitat for this species just south of the parking lot for the reservoir. I will attach one of Larry’s photos.

Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum, Essex, April 26, 2020, copyright (c) Larry Clarfeld and used by permission)
I am sure there are many more locations still to be found for this species.
Jim Andrews