Month: November 2020

Herp Update : crossing zone results, Mudpuppies

Herpers, once again conditions were perfect for amphibian movement last night and I have two sets of herp reports to share.  The women of the Kelly family (K, M, and A) checked the North Street crossing area in New Haven

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Herp Update & Upcoming Gus Speth Presentation

Herpers, last weekend with the temperatures soaring to 70 F, a variety of reptiles and amphibians were active that are not usually active at this time of year. Late Fall Herp Activity I received reports of Northern Map Turtles and

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Amphibians still moving in the valley

Herpers, one of the big advantages of the recent time change is that you can get out and do a nighttime road search before dinner :). I have not heard from anyone else who got out last night, but I

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