a note from Jim: Herpers, conditions were good for amphibian migration in the Lake Champlain Basin and at least one central Vermont town last night. Cindy Sprague and Jeff Salisbury both got out in Huntington and reported Spring Peepers, Spotted…
an email from Jim: Herpers, a former student of mine by the name of Zac Cota is offering an online course on Amphibian Identification and Life History through the North Branch Nature Center starting next week. See the information below.…
a note from Jim: Herpers, I had thought that tonight’s weather conditions would be a nice relatively warm rain continuing into the evening that would provide good amphibian-migration conditions in central Vermont mountain towns and the Northeast Kingdom, but current…
a note from Jim: Herpers, I am still working my way through all the reports from early last week. Amphibians were moving in great numbers on Monday night clear to the Canadian border. Lots of great reports and photos have…
a note from Jim: Folks, I have been out in the swamps the last two days and one night so I am now about 87 e-mails behind at one e-mail address and I have not dared check the other one.…
Herpers, it looks like tonight will be a good night to get out on a quiet country road with your flashlight and reflective clothing and see some amphibians. It is fun pandemic-safe activity as long as you stay away from…
Herpers, there have been lots of reports of herp activity this weekend. Wood Frogs have been reported calling in full chorus from many towns and large numbers of their fresh egg-masses are now visible in ponds in the central Vermont…