Year: 2020

Spring Migration Update

Herpers, I received only a few herp reports from last night. In general, reports from the Lake Champlain Basin suggest that it was a relatively slow night, but there were still a wide variety of early-season amphibians moving. Over the

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Support the Vermont Herp Atlas in 2020

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In the news: February 2020

A bit of news from February: Feb 20:  Keith Whitcomb of the Rutland Herald wrote about the Atlas and its funding drive for The Eagle Times: “Reptile and frog atlas finds funding solutions”. Available at For the second year

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Second Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas Funding Drive Now Starting

Close up of a cute salamander face

Herpers, last year at this time the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas ran its first public fundraising effort (very successful) for two special projects as well as to continue our long-term research, conservation, education, and outreach efforts. The special projects

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