Month: February 2021

Herp Update: indoors, in the snow, and funding request – February 25, 2021

Herpers, as you would expect herp reports at this time of year have been few and far between, but we did receive a photo of the Gray Tree Frog in Bridport that came in with a house plant. The frog

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Annual Report and Fundraiser

Herpers, a few of you have asked not to receive fundraising messages, but receiving this annual fundraising message is the price you pay for being on my Herp Update e-mail list.  If you would like to be removed from this list,

Herp Update: salamander in snow, overwintering treefrog, NBNC Amphibian Road Crossing Program

Herpers, we have had a couple more reports of Spotted Salamanders moving over the snow.  As I mentioned before, this is usually the result of some sort of disturbance by a fox, coyote, turkey, deer, human, etc.  In a photo

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