Herp Update: Frogs Calling, Egg Masses, Skink – April 9, 2021
Herpers, here in the Lake Champlain Basin I have been hearing lots of Northern Leopard Frogs calling from the floodplains of Otter Creek. We have received reports of calling Wood Frogs now from way up in Montgomery and Jay, and Spring Peepers from many locations. The surprise is Kiley Briggs’ report of Green Frogs already calling in Putney yesterday.
I have personally seen lots of N. Leopard Frog egg-masses, Wood Frog egg-masses, and Spotted Salamander spermatophores, but others have seen egg-masses of all all the spring-breeding species.
David H took some photos of Blue-spotted Salamander and hybrid eggs. We very rarely get those photos. Pure Blue-spotteds lay single eggs. Hybrid Blue-spotteds lay small groups of eggs. I will attach a couple photos of the hybrid eggs.
We also received our first report this year of Common Five-lined Skink. They are only found in western Rutland County near Lake Champlain. I will attach that photo as well.
There is some rain in the forecast for my area on Sunday, but it is just scattered showers. If those showers provide some moisture where you are, you should see more amphibian migration. Otherwise, I don’t see any heavy or steady rains in the forecast.