Herpers, with more and more of us being fully vaccinated, Herp Atlas field trips have begun again in earnest. We have provided three in the past week. We document all the herptiles found on these trips and add them to…
Herpers, I occasionally receive communications from people nervous about swimming in a pond, lake, or river that has Snapping Turtles in it. I try to reassure them that swimming with snappers is both safe and common. My standard line is…
Late Calling Frogs Herpers, although Wood Frogs and Northern Leopard Frogs finished calling weeks ago, some relatively common species such as Gray Treefrogs, American Bullfrogs, and Green Frogs are still calling. However, in addition to the more common species, I…
Gray Treefrogs on the move: Herpers, at my home here in Salisbury, I noticed that the Gray Treefrogs had moved to their breeding ponds and were calling last night. During warm humid days spring through fall, you can hear the…
Amphibian Migration I see a bunch of showers in the forecast for later this week, but the actual amount of rain forecast is minimal and the chance of showers in any one place is pretty low. If the ground and…
Herpers, in portions of the Lake Champlain Basin everything came together last night. Kate Kelly and I were investigating some previously unvisited locations in Rutland County. On our return we swung by two crossing sites near Fern Lake in Leicester…
The warm weather last week brought Common Watersnakes out of their dens at at least two locations. Both dens were located near open seeps and apparently were shallow and heated by the ground water (cold but above freezing). For some…
Herpers, as you would expect herp reports at this time of year have been few and far between, but we did receive a photo of the Gray Tree Frog in Bridport that came in with a house plant. The frog…