Month: April 2024

Herp Update: Activity, Get Data, Radio — April 22, 2024

Recent Herp Activity In much of Vermont, the warm and wet weather during the week of April 8-12 generated the bulk of our early-spring-amphibian migration. However, the warm, and dry weather over the past week has generated reports of Common

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Herp Update: Morgan Road education and amphibian migration — April 13, 2024

Folks, each spring the Otter Creek Audubon Society (OSAS) and the Salisbury Conservation Commission host two public educational events on Morgan Road in Salisbury, to introduce people to the wonderful phenomenon of amphibian spring migration. This year our first public

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration Last Night and Expected Tomorrow – April 11, 2024

Lots of Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Last Night Reports of amphibians on the move are pouring in.  Most of them are from last night and they come from as far north as Cabot and as far south as Putney.  Most

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Herp Update: Amphibian Migration, Vernal Pools – April 3, 2024

Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Continues in Fits and Starts Herpers, since our first significant amphibian migration almost one month ago on March 5, winter has returned and left a couple times.  I don’t think that the temperatures ever got cold

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