Herp Update: Recent Herp Activity, Fundraiser – February 4, 2025

Recent Herp Activity

Spotted Salamander

Elizabeth Newman sent this photo of a Spotted Salamander moving on top of the snow on January 31, 2025 in Hinesburg.  Usually this sort of winter movement of reptiles and amphibians in winter is a result of either a predator or human activity disturbing the overwintering location.  In a few cases, observers have been able to track the herptile back to the disturbance.  Elizabeth moved this salamander to a safer overwintering location.

A black salamander with yellow spots walks on the snow.

Eastern Newt Congregation

Every few years we receive a photo similar to the one below showing a huge concentration of Eastern Newts above a spring or inlet in an otherwise frozen pond.  Our theory is they congregate in these locations for the increased dissolved oxygen provided by the regular source of new groundwater.  Dissolved oxygen under the ice can be used up by decaying vegetation.  We occasionally see large winter kills of newts as a result.  The photo below was taken on January 26, 2025 in Williamstown, MA by Quinn Wilson and was forwarded to us by Brett Thelen in New Hampshire.

Many dark green salamanders with yellow bellies swarm in the water

Candling to Count Eggs

Occasionally as part of our woodland amphibian monitoring program through the Colby Hill Ecological Project in Lincoln, we get to count the eggs inside a gravid (pregnant) salamander.  We put a flashlight immediately behind the salamander and gently manipulate the salamander until we can count all the eggs.  Erin Talmage took this photo showing eggs within a Northern Dusky Salamander.  We found this one  using one of our artificial covers along our transect last fall.  We can see about 22 eggs in this photo.

Common Five-lined Skink

The “Common” Five-lined Skink is far from common in Vermont.   It is listed as Endangered in our state.  We are aware of populations in only two Vermont towns: Benson and West Haven.   The two photos below show how its appearance varies with age and sex.  All youngsters show the stripes and bright blue tail shown in the upper photo taken by Rosy Metcalfe this fall.  The lower photo taken by Dave McDevitt shows a breeding male (upper) and an adult female (no blue tail) along with a couple Common Gartersnakes.

Our GoFundMe page has been shut down for the winter, but we always accept donations.  Please donate whenever it is the most convenient for you.

We depend on your donations throughout the year to keep us going.  We raised over $21,000 in our winter fundraiser, but we depend on continuing contributions throughout the year to keep us funded.   See below for how to donate.

Donations can be made in a few ways:

  • Via the PayPal button on our website (they take 2.9 percent of the payment plus 30 cents per transaction).

  • By sending a check made out to James S. Andrews to: The Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, 642 Smead Road, Salisbury, VT 05769 (no overhead is lost).

  • By sending a check made out to Vermont Family Forests to: The Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, 642 Smead Road, Salisbury, VT 05769.* Vermont Family Forests is our fiscal sponsor and they are a registered 501c3 non-profit (they take 15% for overhead costs).

*If your fund requires that a check must be sent directly to Vermont Family Forests (P.O. Box 254, 14 School Street, Suite 202A, Bristol, VT 05443), please notify them that your donation is for the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas and please also contact us directly about your donation.

**Checks should not be made out to the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas. We can’t cash them that way.

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