Marbled Salamander

Ambystoma opacum


The Marbled Salamander is a mole salamander.  Like most mole salamanders it is relatively thick bodied.  It is closely related to the Spotted, Blue-spotted, and Jefferson Salamanders.  At 4-5 inches long, it is shorter than its relatives but proportionately chunkier (plump). This species has a black body with silver or light-gray colored bands across its body. It has strong legs, a wide head, and a rounded tail.

You can learn more about this species and see some video footage by checking out this clip from our Rattlers, Peepers & Snappers DVD.


Marbled Salamanders have never been documented in Vermont.  We have a historic reference to one in Fair Haven and a historic photo of one with Vermont written on the back of the photo, but no details on date or location.   Marbled Salamanders have been found just across the Connecticut River from Vernon (in New Hampshire), and approximately 6 miles south of Vernon in Massachusetts, and may be found in Vermont at some point in the future.  Like other mole salamanders they spend much of their lives underground but migrate to pools to breed; however, they migrate to pools on rainy nights in the fall as opposed to the spring.


This species is considered unconfirmed in the state of Vermont.  Be the first to photograph and report a sighting of this species in Vermont.

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More Info

Species summary written by Jim Andrews.