Herp Education through the Press Herpers, thanks for all the questions you e-mailed and called in for our segment on the Vermont Edition program of Vermont Public. The producer and host were impressed with all the interest and we accomplished…
Herp Education through the Press Herpers, thanks for all the questions you e-mailed and called in for our segment on the Vermont Edition program of Vermont Public. The producer and host were impressed with all the interest and we accomplished…
Current Herp Activity Herpers, although I have not been out at night checking myself, I am not receiving any reports of amphibians moving above ground during these recent rains. At my house this morning it is raining, has been for…
Herpers, it has been too long since I sent out an update. Here in the office we have been really busy keeping up with the records that are being sent in by others (~375 during July and August) and those…
Our latest video: Moving Snapping Turtles We had been looking for an opportunity to show on video what we feel is the safest way to move larger Snapping Turtles. While doing a herp survey on a piece of St. Michael’s…
Recent Herp Activity Along with the many choruses of Gray Treefrogs that people have been reporting, the extremely warm weather toward the end of last week even motivated a few American Bullfrogs to call here in the Lake Champlain Valley.…
Recent Turtle Activity and Needed Photo-documentation Herpers, I am now receiving reports of Snapping Turtle and Painted Turtle females on land looking for suitable open and sunny egg-laying locations. Nest sites are often in yards, gardens, compost piles, and sometimes…