Category: conservation

to the Herpers: amphibians in wintering sites, maybe

Herpers, a few hardy groups headed out Friday night in the snow. Kiley B was unable to find any crossing amphibians in the snow in central Vermont. Kate K, Cindy S, Nina M and others did find a couple Blue-spotted

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Road Crossings for Salamanders: new report

Here’s some good reading for us! There’s a new report out from the Agency of Transportation: Where Do Salamanders Cross The Road? Development Of A GIS Model To Identify Amphibian Road-Crossing Hotspots Authors are Steven D. Faccio, Sean W. MacFaden,

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Herpers: iffy migration conditions

Herpers, in the current forecast for this weekend, the timing of the rain has shifted and the possibility of good amphibian migration conditions is less likely here in the Lake Champlain Basin. Still, if the roads are wet after dark

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Dr. Andrews presents: Establishing Baseline Distribution Data on Vermont’s Reptiles and Amphibians

This video of Jim’s presentation at last fall’s Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) annual meeting was just put on line. In case you weren’t able to attend, you can watch it here: Establishing Baseline Distribution Data on Vermont’s Reptiles and

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to Herpers: Fundraising

Herpers, the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas is launching our first ever fundraising event. I hope most of you are familiar with our work but just in case, here is my promo. Since the mid 1990s, the Vermont Reptile and

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to Herpers: snakes and frogs overwintering indoors, human population

Herpers, I have been receiving recent reports of snakes and a couple frogs overwintering in people’s houses.  Over the weekend I heard of a Northern Leopard Frog overwintering in a cellar sump pump depression filled with water (a first) and

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