Recent and Upcoming Herp Activity Amphibians still on the move After my wife mentioned that an Eastern Red-backed Salamander had found its way into her studio yesterday evening, I decided I should run over to our local amphibian crossing hotspot…
New herp videos available Our Herp Atlas videographer and editor Matt Gorton has posted a couple more of our short videos on YouTube. Snake Hotels Putting out artificial cover is a time-honored method of survey and monitoring for snakes. Many…
Herp Update: December 27, 2021, Happy Holidays! Upcoming Scientific Publications Although one of our major goals is to communicate directly with Vermont residents, we frequently supply data or articles that are communicated to other scientists and the public through peer-reviewed…
Herpers, in portions of the Lake Champlain Basin everything came together last night. Kate Kelly and I were investigating some previously unvisited locations in Rutland County. On our return we swung by two crossing sites near Fern Lake in Leicester…