Category: education

Herp Update: Annual Fundraiser and a New Course “Conserving Vermont Reptiles” – November 29, 2021

A New Course Offering: Conserving Vermont’s Reptiles January through May 2022 through Vermont Family Forests Learn the identification, natural history, survey techniques, conservation, and management of Vermont’s turtles, snakes, and lizards with herpetologist Jim Andrews. The class will begin with

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Herp Update & Upcoming Gus Speth Presentation

Herpers, last weekend with the temperatures soaring to 70 F, a variety of reptiles and amphibians were active that are not usually active at this time of year. Late Fall Herp Activity I received reports of Northern Map Turtles and

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Ratsnake eggs and embryo

Folks, Since I was just writing about snakes giving birth and laying eggs last week, I thought I would share with you an exciting find made by Karen Sommerlad and David Cobb of Sunderland. Just last week they were moving

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Common Gartersnake giving birth

Folks, Kate Kelly forwarded this link to a very cool video of a Common Gartersnake giving birth. You can see a couple other recently born snakes moving around while the star of the show is trying to break free of

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Conservation and Natural History of Vermont’s Bumble Bees

For those who missed Kent McFarland’s excellent Zoom presentation on the conservation of Vermont’s Bumble Bees, you can watch the recorded version at your leisure through this link: This presentation was brought to you by the Salisbury Conservation Commission. 

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Vermont Bumble Bees: webinar offered by Salisbury Conservation Commission

Did you know that Vermont once had 17 species of Bumble Bee and that 4 are now feared extinct? Learn about these important pollinators and how we can help conserve them, at our upcoming free Zoom webinar. The Salisbury Conservation

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Erosion control and herps: please use fiber or blanket, not plastic

Erosion-control matting that contains welded plastic netting is bad news for snakes, which is why we are very thankful that the Vermont Department of Transportation (VTrans) has severely limited use of this product, as have state land managers. That said, the

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Vernal Pool Video by K. Briggs

Kiley Briggs of the Orianne Society put together an excellent video on vernal pools.  It is roughly 30 minutes long and covers vernal pools, amphibians that use them, egg-mass ID, and a few invertebrates that use vernal pools.  It is

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Need some good questions

Note from Jim: Herpers, I will be joining Jane Lindholm on VPR’s Vermont Edition this Tuesday May 12 from 1 to 2 PM for a Vermont herp discussion.  We usually do this about once a year and it is a

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Amphibian Crossings: Chris Slesar interview

Chris K. Slesar, Environmental Resources Coordinator for the Vermont Agency of Transportation, and frequent contributor to the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, did a Facebook Live interview about on habitat connectivity and herps. It’s watchable at [Facebook videos apparently

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