Category: herping

Herp Update : crossing zone results, Mudpuppies

Herpers, once again conditions were perfect for amphibian movement last night and I have two sets of herp reports to share.  The women of the Kelly family (K, M, and A) checked the North Street crossing area in New Haven

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Amphibians still moving in the valley

Herpers, one of the big advantages of the recent time change is that you can get out and do a nighttime road search before dinner :). I have not heard from anyone else who got out last night, but I

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Mudpuppy Rescue and Rally

Green Frog tadpole and young Mudpuppy

Herpers, both the Mudpuppy rescue effort and rally went well last night. Thanks go to Ira Powsner and all his efforts to raise public awareness of the impacts of lampricides on Mudpuppies. So, far his petition has received over 1000

Herp Update: October Herping and Lampricides

Herpers, the widely varying temperatures so far this month have made herp activity hard to predict.  On October 14, I received two reports of Eastern Milksnakes.  Milksnake is a snake I consider to be a heat lover, yet these reports

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Herp Update

Herpers, there was lots of amphibian movement last night during the rains. Where I was along Route 100 in Granville, the rains did not come through until after 11 PM making for a late night. Still, the team I was

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Amphibians moving tonight

Herpers, if the current forecast holds and roads are wet after dark, amphibians should be moving tonight. It should be good conditions to get out and fill in some missing data gaps by taking photos of the targeted amphibians you

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Snakes on the move, a great opportunity

Herpers, these first frosty nights of the fall will motivate snakes to head back to their dens. The first warm sunny afternoon after a frost is one of the easiest times to find snakes. The frosty night is the signal

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Successful Herp Survey in the Northeast Kingdom

Herpers, this past Friday Matt Gorton, Kate Kelly, and I made a hike into Warners Grant near the Canadian border to locate and photograph reptiles and amphibians. Warners Grant has long been the least surveyed area of Vermont as far

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Atlas Update

Fundraising I have left our GoFundMe fundraiser site up and running for the last six months. That seems about as long as I can stretch it for what we called an annual fundraiser. One of the reasons I have kept

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Newt and American Bullfrog

Herpers, Kiley Briggs forwarded this.  It is not our newt.  It looks like a Rough-skinned Newt from out west.  They are more toxic than our Eastern Newts. Matt Gorton and I were doing some herp survey in Fairfax yesterday.  We

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