Category: herping

Herp Update

Herpers, as we move into August I have been receiving lots of reports of recently metamorphosed American Toads.  Young American Toads are tiny.  They could fit on top of a dime.  If you look closely at them, you can see

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Current Herp Activity & Videos

a note from Jim Herpers, with this warm weather American Toads, American Bullfrogs, and Gray Treefrogs are all starting to chorus. This Friday night’s rains should generate movement of all three of these frogs. It may also generate some movement

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Amphibian Crossings: Chris Slesar interview

Chris K. Slesar, Environmental Resources Coordinator for the Vermont Agency of Transportation, and frequent contributor to the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, did a Facebook Live interview about on habitat connectivity and herps. It’s watchable at [Facebook videos apparently

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to the Herpers: Spring Amphibian Update

a note from Jim Herpers, the warm weather of last weekend generated scores of reptile and amphibian reports. At our monitoring site in Lincoln (1,400 ft. in elevation in central Vermont), Wood Frog egg masses are mostly old and many

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to the Herpers: Amphibians on the move last night

Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum, Essex, April 26, 2020, copyright (c) Larry Clarfeld and used by permission)

a note from Jim: Herpers, conditions were good for amphibian migration in the Lake Champlain Basin and at least one central Vermont town last night. Cindy Sprague and Jeff Salisbury both got out in Huntington and reported Spring Peepers, Spotted

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to the Herpers: Amphibian Migration Sunday Night

Four-toed Salamander (Hemdactylium scutatum, venter, in hand, Bridport, April 7, 2017 copyright (c) Jack Leonard and used by permission)

A note from Jim: Herpers, the current forecast for Sunday night looks good for amphibian migration. Here in the Lake Champlain Basin, Spotted Salamanders may still be moving away from breeding pools, but in the mountains, north-central Vermont, and the

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Wood Frogs in Lust

Wood Frog in amplexus with a fish. Duxbury, VT. Copyright (c) Jamie Harlow and used by permission.

a note from Jim: Herpers, I am starting to see more Spotted Salamander egg-masses at higher elevations, but they are not done laying eggs yet. They enter pools and lay eggs over a period of about a month. Most of

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to the Herpers: Update on last week

a note from Jim: Herpers, I am still working my way through all the reports from early last week. Amphibians were moving in great numbers on Monday night clear to the Canadian border. Lots of great reports and photos have

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Utah Boreal Toad Migration video

a note from Jim: Folks, I have been out in the swamps the last two days and one night so I am now about 87 e-mails behind at one e-mail address and I have not dared check the other one.

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to the Herpers: Amphibian Migration Tonight

a note from Jim: Herpers, tonight looks good for amphibian migration. I have had scores of reports of amphibians sightings over the past week. They have come from dozens of towns from Brattleboro, north west to Grand Isle and as

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