a note from Jim: Herpers, tonight looks good for amphibian migration. I have had scores of reports of amphibians sightings over the past week. They have come from dozens of towns from Brattleboro, north west to Grand Isle and as…
Herpers, it looks like tonight will be a good night to get out on a quiet country road with your flashlight and reflective clothing and see some amphibians. It is fun pandemic-safe activity as long as you stay away from…
Herpers, there have been lots of reports of herp activity this weekend. Wood Frogs have been reported calling in full chorus from many towns and large numbers of their fresh egg-masses are now visible in ponds in the central Vermont…
Herpers, I received only a few herp reports from last night. In general, reports from the Lake Champlain Basin suggest that it was a relatively slow night, but there were still a wide variety of early-season amphibians moving. Over the…
Herpers, this Tuesday I drove to Bennington and back and saw three Snapping Turtles and three Painted Turtles crossing the roads. From mid-May through June female turtles are leaving the water and traveling overland to their favorite egg-laying locations. This…
Herpers, with sun and warmer temperatures arriving over the weekend and through yesterday, many of the later-season, warmth-loving reptiles and amphibians became active. Large-bodied snakes like Eastern Ratsnakes and Timber Rattlesnakes were emerging from their dens. Painted Turtles, Northern Map…
Herpers, reports are pouring in. Thanks for sending them in. I am still about 50 reports behind, so it will take me a while to catch up. Spring has now arrived statewide. A small group of volunteers joined me to…
Herpers, reports coming in from last night reflect what we had suspected: most of the early amphibian migration to wetlands in the Lake Champlain Basin has ended and Steve Parren and others report the earliest breeders (Blue-spotted Salamanders and Wood…
Herpers, the forecast for this Friday night currently looks good for amphibian migration and if the temperatures really stay in the 60’s as forecast, we might see Gray Treefrogs and American Toads moving in the valley. Of course back up…
Herpers, here in Salisbury we hosted one of our public education nights on Morgan Road last night. We had 43 people on site and monitored and moved amphibians for two hours from 8 AM to 10 AM. Despite the conditions…