Category: snakes

Herp Update: Fall Migration for Snakes – October 8, 2021

On sunny and warm fall days another really interesting and dangerous (for them) herp migration takes place. It is the movement of snakes back to their dens. The cool nights and shorter days cue snakes that it is time to

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Herp Update: migration, records, oddities – April 25, 2021

Amphibian Migration I see a bunch of showers in the forecast for later this week, but the actual amount of rain forecast is minimal and the chance of showers in any one place is pretty low. If the ground and

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Herp Update: frozen Gartersnake – April 3, 2021

Herpers, one of the more interesting reports to come in over the last two days was this report and photo from Ken Hatch of a Common Gartersnake frozen into a thin layer of ice in Addison. Ken reported: “I found

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Herp Update: first report of 2021

Herpers, our first herp report of the year came in on January 1st from Kiley Briggs and Melanie L who checked in on an overwintering site for Wood Turtles.  He sent a video that showed two or three turtles underneath

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Still some herps and hats

Herpers, over the last few days we have received reports of an adult Spotted Salamander moving over the snow in Lyndon (Jim Connor) and an American Toad crossing a road in Cambridge (Zach Cota-Weaver).  Often winter movement is the result

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Herp Update

Herpers, with temperatures in the 50’s last night and after an afternoon of rain, once again conditions looked perfect for amphibian migration last night.  Thankfully, most of the amphibians appear to have found their overwintering locations by now.  I went

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Herp Update & Upcoming Gus Speth Presentation

Herpers, last weekend with the temperatures soaring to 70 F, a variety of reptiles and amphibians were active that are not usually active at this time of year. Late Fall Herp Activity I received reports of Northern Map Turtles and

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Herp Update: October Herping and Lampricides

Herpers, the widely varying temperatures so far this month have made herp activity hard to predict.  On October 14, I received two reports of Eastern Milksnakes.  Milksnake is a snake I consider to be a heat lover, yet these reports

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Herp Update

Herpers, there was lots of amphibian movement last night during the rains. Where I was along Route 100 in Granville, the rains did not come through until after 11 PM making for a late night. Still, the team I was

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Vt Herp News: roadkilled snakes

Herpers, once the warmer temperatures returned after those first frosts, thousands of snakes had warmed up enough to be on the move. If you have not been out yet, this weekend should be good. Prepare yourself though, many of the

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