Category: turtles

Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Fundraiser – February 17, 2023

Current Herp Activity Since our last update we have received two reports of single Spotted Salamanders moving over the remaining snow. They originate from opposite ends of the state: Brattleboro and Montgomery. Sightings of winter movement of Spotted Salamanders in

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Herp Update: Historic Snake Reports, Fundraiser – February 7, 2023

Current Herp Activity? I have not received any reports of Vermont reptiles and amphibians moving on the surface so far in February.   This is how it should be for early February. Still we received an unusual report from New

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Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Fundraiser, Eastern Musk Turtle – January 28, 2023

Current Herp Activity Now that more seasonal weather has finally arrived, reports have slowed to a trickle.  Just last week though we did have a report of a Common Gartersnake moving (slowly) underwater in a small stream.  We have received three winter

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Herp Update: Fall turtles, Field trip with salamanders, Concert—September 19, 2022

Baby Snapping Turtle emerging from nest. PHoto by Pat Perry and used with permission.

Recent Herp Activity We have received quite a few reports of baby Snapping Turtles emerging over the last week (see the Pat Perry photo).  Snapping Turtles emerge from their underground nests in the fall of the same year that the

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Herp Update: Map turtle mystery; fall frog calls; bullfrog gape — September 2, 2022

Herpers, it has been too long since I sent out an update. Here in the office we have been really busy keeping up with the records that are being sent in by others (~375 during July and August) and those

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Herp Update: Moving Snappers, Herp Activity, & Concert—July 29, 2022

male American Bullfrog showing yellow throat and swollen thumbs, held face facing camera in a human hand

Our latest video: Moving Snapping Turtles We had been looking for an opportunity to show on video what we feel is the safest way to move larger Snapping Turtles. While doing a herp survey on a piece of St. Michael’s

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Herp Update: Turtle activity, documentation needed —May 16, 2022

Recent Turtle Activity and Needed Photo-documentation Herpers, I am now receiving reports of Snapping Turtle and Painted Turtle females on land looking for suitable open and sunny egg-laying locations. Nest sites are often in yards, gardens, compost piles, and sometimes

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Herp Update: recent activity — May 5, 2022

Recent Activity Last weekend was a field trip weekend for my Conservation of Vermont Reptiles course that I am teaching through Hogback Community College in Bristol (non-credit non-graded courses, for more info see The weather was cool to cold

Herp Update: migration starts, vacation – March 20, 2022

Amphibian migrations have started Herpers, I just returned from a warm southerly vacation to find that temperatures in Vermont were just as warm, at least temporarily. So, I have been scrambling to get caught up. The warm weather at the

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Herp Update: Field Trip Winner, Cellamanders, Exotics – March 1, 2022

Field Trip Winner One of the promotional gifts during our annual fundraiser is entering anyone who contributes $200 to $999 in a drawing for a free herp field trip in Vermont for them and up to ten friends. Yesterday, I

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