Category: road search

Snakes on the move, a great opportunity

Herpers, these first frosty nights of the fall will motivate snakes to head back to their dens. The first warm sunny afternoon after a frost is one of the easiest times to find snakes. The frosty night is the signal

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to the Herpers: Amphibians on the move last night

Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum, Essex, April 26, 2020, copyright (c) Larry Clarfeld and used by permission)

a note from Jim: Herpers, conditions were good for amphibian migration in the Lake Champlain Basin and at least one central Vermont town last night. Cindy Sprague and Jeff Salisbury both got out in Huntington and reported Spring Peepers, Spotted

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to the Herpers: Update on last week

a note from Jim: Herpers, I am still working my way through all the reports from early last week. Amphibians were moving in great numbers on Monday night clear to the Canadian border. Lots of great reports and photos have

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to the Herpers: Amphibian Migration Tonight

a note from Jim: Herpers, tonight looks good for amphibian migration. I have had scores of reports of amphibians sightings over the past week. They have come from dozens of towns from Brattleboro, north west to Grand Isle and as

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Northern Leopard Frog-pocalypse? No, but…

Over the past week I have received many e-mails, phone calls, and reports of huge numbers of small frogs along the Otter Creek floodplains of Cornwall, Leicester, and Salisbury. Landowners report not wanting to mow their lawns; pool owners have

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to Herpers: Amphibian Migration

Herpers, here in Salisbury we hosted one of our public education nights on Morgan Road last night. We had 43 people on site and monitored and moved amphibians for two hours from 8 AM to 10 AM. Despite the conditions

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Spring Amphibian Movement

email from Jim: Herpers, one of my students just asked if the weather conditions forecast for tomorrow night might be appropriate for amphibian movement.  They might.  Looking at the current forecast though, it would be best after midnight.  Currently the

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