Identifying animals is often easier with photo references. Photos can help you limit possible identifications to just one or two likely species.
Click or tap a tab below to see reference photos for each group of snakes. The groups are based on visual similarities between animals, and are not a biological classification.
(Please note: preview images may not show the key identifying feature. Click or tap to see complete image. If you only see one tab—a known though uncommon bug—please reload the page.)
Small and Thin
Blotched and/or Banded
Large Black
Thick with Rattle
Small/Thin Juvenile
Blotched and/or Banded Juvenile
Common Gartersnake and Eastern Ribbonsnake
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Red-bellied Snake, DeKay's Brownsnake, Ring-necked Snake, Smooth Greensnake
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Eastern Milksnake, Common Watersnake
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Eastern Ratsnake, North American Racer, Common Watersnake, Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
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Note: the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake is unconfirmed in Vermont.
Timber Rattlesnake
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DeKay's Brownsnake
Tap or click the image to enlarge it.
Common Watersnake, Eastern Ratsnake, North American Racer
Tap or click the image to enlarge it.
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