Data Gaps: Reports and Photos Most Needed

This table shows the gaps that exist in our documentation for Vermont’s most common reptiles and amphibians. It only includes common species: those with an S4 or S5 ranking in the Vermont Heritage System. (The scale runs from 1 (very rare) to 5 (very common) and the S before the number signifies its rarity in this state (as opposed to the world).) Can you help us fill in these data gaps?

This table can be sorted: click on one of the up or down triangles in the header row of the table.
This table can be searched. The box at the top will match all terms you enter all over the table (typing Wood Frog will call up all Wood Frogs, but also all other frogs in Woodbury, for example. Typing “Wood Frog” with the quotation marks will search for just that phrase).
Try searching or sorting for your favorite species or town!

CountyTownCommon NameStatus & Needs
*frog calls could be recorded
Common Name
Status & Needs
*frog calls could be recorded
Common Name
Status & Needs
*frog calls could be recorded
EssexAverillAmerican BullfrogNever reported from this townProbable2/6/2025
EssexAverys GoreAmerican BullfrogNever reported from this townPossible2/6/2025
WindsorBaltimoreAmerican BullfrogNever reported from this townProbable2/6/2025
WashingtonBarre CityAmerican BullfrogNever reported from this townProbable2/6/2025
WashingtonBarre TownAmerican BullfrogNeed new report & photo*Almost Certain2/6/2025
FranklinBerkshireAmerican BullfrogNeed new report & photo*Almost Certain2/6/2025
WindsorBethelAmerican BullfrogNever reported from this townProbable2/6/2025
EssexBloomfieldAmerican BullfrogNever reported from this townProbable2/6/2025
OrangeBraintreeAmerican BullfrogHave report, need photo*Almost Certain2/6/2025
WindsorBridgewaterAmerican BullfrogNever reported from this townProbable2/6/2025
CountyTownCommon NameStatus & Needs
*frog calls could be recorded
Showing 1 to 10 of 843 entries

You can look at the survey effort for the state as a whole, to see where you might focus your effort. Or you might choose your favorite species or your own town. All sightings are helpful!