Our Annual Fundraiser Continues Herpers, we have raised over $16,000 of our annual $20,000 goal in our annual fundraiser. So far, 85 people have donated amounts ranging from $10 to $2,500. If you donated already, thanks. If not, please consider…
Recent Herp Activity Morgan Road in Salisbury During last night’s rain, I spent 20 minutes at our Morgan Road Crossing here in Salisbury. A light rain started around 8 PM and intensified for the next few hours. The temperature was…
Recent Herp Activity On a June 11 field trip to Sunderland; Kiley Briggs, Kate Kelly, and I found our first young-of-the-year Wood Frogs. Chris Slesar reported young-of-the-year American Toads in West Haven on June 9. These youngsters were fresh eggs…
Lots of Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Last Night Reports of amphibians on the move are pouring in. Most of them are from last night and they come from as far north as Cabot and as far south as Putney. Most…
Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Continues in Fits and Starts Herpers, since our first significant amphibian migration almost one month ago on March 5, winter has returned and left a couple times. I don’t think that the temperatures ever got cold…