Herp Activity Amphibian Migration May Occur Tonight Herpers, this is a quick note to say that there may well be amphibians moving tonight in the warmer, lower-elevation crossing areas such as those in the Lake Champlain Basin. Here in Salisbury…
Possible Upcoming Herp Activity Watching this Wednesday night Herpers, my wife and I have traditionally taken our vacation in late February and returned before the first amphibian migration. It looks like amphibians might be on the move this week while…
Recent Herp Activity A few amphibians on the move Last night with Snow Drops blooming in our front yard (see Kris Andrews photo below) temperatures at 41 F, and roads wet and muddy here in Salisbury, I headed out to…
There is still some limited and unprecedented herptile activity taking place. Keep your eyes open during this unusually warm and wet weather. Recent Herp Activity Amphibians (and some reptiles) still on the move While working on our Middlebury Christmas Bird…
Folks, as a result of the number of people who have requested to receive our Herp Updates, we moved to a new format using Mailchimp. Please do forward this e-mail to anyone you think would be interested. They can subscribe…
Recent Herp Activity Amphibians still on the move With temperatures above 50 F and rains that started around 6 PM, I headed out to Morgan Road here in Salisbury last night before going to bed. In one pass through the…
New Format and Recent Sightings Folks, as a result of the number of people who have requested to receive our Herp Updates, we have moved to a new format using Mailchimp. For friends and family to subscribe: visit vtherpatlas.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=63c5df7985d413f2ea204e690&id=c48959eb4b&e=f3cfc2a496 There…