Tag: amphibians

Holiday Herp Update: Current Herp Activity, Fundraiser — December 25, 2022

Current Herp Activity Herpers, hopefully the above ground herp activity has ceased until the next warm and wet spell.  Though only two days ago on December 23, herper (and birder) Sue Wetmore reported hearing a calling Northern Leopard Frog when

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Herp Update: migration starts, vacation – March 20, 2022

Amphibian migrations have started Herpers, I just returned from a warm southerly vacation to find that temperatures in Vermont were just as warm, at least temporarily. So, I have been scrambling to get caught up. The warm weather at the

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Herp Update: Migration likely, Fundraiser, Reports – November 12, 2021

Amphibian Migration Tomorrow (Saturday Night) Herpers, looking at the weather forecast for much of Vermont, it looks like tomorrow evening may generate some late-season amphibian migration. Since it is a Saturday and it is getting dark early, you could even

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Herp Update: Bobbie Summers, Road Search, more – October 31, 2021

Wildlife Hero I am very sad to report that Roberta (Bobbie) Summers passed away last Saturday, October 23rd. Bobbie has been a friend and contributor to the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas since 2005. She has contributed 451 records of

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Herp Update: amphibian and snake activity – October 21, 2021

Amphibian Activity Reports continue to come in reporting fall uphill migration of amphibians. Although I focused on the fall migrations of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders, Blue-spotted Salamanders, and Four-toed Salamanders in one of my previous Herp Updates, the reports include uphill

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Herp Update: Fall Migration of Amphibians – September 29, 2021

Red-backed sRed-backed salamander viewed from front: a brownish salamander with a broad red-brown stripe from the back of its head to its tail on wet, yellowish wood. Photo by Kiley Briggs and used by permission.alamander viewed from front: a bownish salamander with a broad red-brown strip from the back of its head to its tail on wet, yellowish wood. Photo by Kiley Briggs and used by permission.

Fall Migration of Amphibians Very few people are aware of the fall migration of amphibians.  The uphill migrations consist of amphibians moving from moist lowlands (near breeding ponds) to better drained upland forests where they will follow small-mammal tunnels and

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Stream Salamander in Norwich, and Video

Much of the field work we have done this summer has been focused on filling in distribution gaps for Vermont’s three stream or “saturated soil” salamanders.  Part of the reason for this is that these species are only rarely reported

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Herp Update : crossing zone results, Mudpuppies

Herpers, once again conditions were perfect for amphibian movement last night and I have two sets of herp reports to share.  The women of the Kelly family (K, M, and A) checked the North Street crossing area in New Haven

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Herp Update

Herpers, there was lots of amphibian movement last night during the rains. Where I was along Route 100 in Granville, the rains did not come through until after 11 PM making for a late night. Still, the team I was

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Vernal Pool Video by K. Briggs

Kiley Briggs of the Orianne Society put together an excellent video on vernal pools.  It is roughly 30 minutes long and covers vernal pools, amphibians that use them, egg-mass ID, and a few invertebrates that use vernal pools.  It is

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