Tag: amphibians

to Herpers: Spring Amphibian Migration

Herpers, reports coming in from last night reflect what we had suspected: most of the early amphibian migration to wetlands in the Lake Champlain Basin has ended and Steve Parren and others report the earliest breeders (Blue-spotted Salamanders and Wood

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to Herpers: Spring amphibian migration and a couple requests

Herpers, the forecast for this Friday night currently looks good for amphibian migration and if the temperatures really stay in the 60’s as forecast, we might see Gray Treefrogs and American Toads moving in the valley. Of course back up

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to Herpers: Amphibian Migration

Herpers, here in Salisbury we hosted one of our public education nights on Morgan Road last night. We had 43 people on site and monitored and moved amphibians for two hours from 8 AM to 10 AM. Despite the conditions

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to the Herpers: amphibians in wintering sites, maybe

Herpers, a few hardy groups headed out Friday night in the snow. Kiley B was unable to find any crossing amphibians in the snow in central Vermont. Kate K, Cindy S, Nina M and others did find a couple Blue-spotted

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to Herpers: conditions for seeking migrating amphibians

Herpers, I have been watching the weather forecast carefully for tonight to see if it would be a good night for amphibian migration. I look for a few predictors. I want to make sure that where I am going to

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Dr. Andrews presents: Establishing Baseline Distribution Data on Vermont’s Reptiles and Amphibians

This video of Jim’s presentation at last fall’s Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) annual meeting was just put on line. In case you weren’t able to attend, you can watch it here: Establishing Baseline Distribution Data on Vermont’s Reptiles and

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Two Upcoming Presentations by Jim Andrews on Vermont Reptile and Amphibians

email from Jim: Herpers, FYI. I have two local presentations coming up. The first is in Cornwall at the Elementary School on Wednesday, February 27th at 7 PM and is titled: Slippery Creatures of Cornwall: Salamanders and Others!  It is

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