Recent Herp Activity Southern Alligator Lizard Allissa Shethar sent this photo of a Southern Alligator Lizard found by her son Sasha F in Bridport last week. He found it in his laundry basket after driving across country from California. The…
Recent Herp Activity Southern Alligator Lizard Allissa Shethar sent this photo of a Southern Alligator Lizard found by her son Sasha F in Bridport last week. He found it in his laundry basket after driving across country from California. The…
Recent Herp Activity People are now reporting sightings of Green Frog eggs. Green Frogs deposit a film of eggs on the surface of the water (see photos below). Since they deposit their eggs so late in the season, the water…
Recent Herp Activity On a June 11 field trip to Sunderland; Kiley Briggs, Kate Kelly, and I found our first young-of-the-year Wood Frogs. Chris Slesar reported young-of-the-year American Toads in West Haven on June 9. These youngsters were fresh eggs…
Recent Herp Activity A few amphibians on the move Last night with Snow Drops blooming in our front yard (see Kris Andrews photo below) temperatures at 41 F, and roads wet and muddy here in Salisbury, I headed out to…
Herp Education through the Press Herpers, thanks for all the questions you e-mailed and called in for our segment on the Vermont Edition program of Vermont Public. The producer and host were impressed with all the interest and we accomplished…