Recent Herp Activity We have been receiving a flood of reports lately. I suspect it has to do with the amount of recent press coverage we have had. We have been on local television, VPR, and Vermont Digger this spring…
Recent Herp Activity Over the last few nights American Toads have been on the move in much of Vermont. Last night Kate and Molly Kelly joined me on a nighttime road search in Benson and West Haven and I was…
Recent Herp Activity In much of Vermont, the warm and wet weather during the week of April 8-12 generated the bulk of our early-spring-amphibian migration. However, the warm, and dry weather over the past week has generated reports of Common…
Recent Turtle Activity and Needed Photo-documentation Herpers, I am now receiving reports of Snapping Turtle and Painted Turtle females on land looking for suitable open and sunny egg-laying locations. Nest sites are often in yards, gardens, compost piles, and sometimes…
Herp Update: December 27, 2021, Happy Holidays! Upcoming Scientific Publications Although one of our major goals is to communicate directly with Vermont residents, we frequently supply data or articles that are communicated to other scientists and the public through peer-reviewed…