Recent Herp Activity Over the last few nights American Toads have been on the move in much of Vermont. Last night Kate and Molly Kelly joined me on a nighttime road search in Benson and West Haven and I was…
Recent Herp Activity Over the last few nights American Toads have been on the move in much of Vermont. Last night Kate and Molly Kelly joined me on a nighttime road search in Benson and West Haven and I was…
Annual Fundraiser As I hope you know, we are in middle of our annual fundraiser. We have now raised $8,358 of our goal of $20,000 for this year. Our thanks to the 81 people who have contributed so far. If…
I hope you all survived our storm without too much damage. We have power and only small branches down here in Salisbury, but other Herp Atlas staff are without power, phone, or wifi at their homes. Update on Our Annual…