Tag: frogs

Herp Update: Snapping Turtles emerging, Unusual Colorations, Snakes Migrating – September 11, 2024

Recent Herp Activity Snapping Turtles are hatching We have received a number of reports recently from landowners who have young Snapping Turtles emerging from underground nests in their lawns and gardens. The photo of the fourteen baby snappers below was

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Herp Update: Current Herp Activity – August 2, 2023

Current Herp Activity Snakes We monitor the populations of snakes at a site in Lincoln that is part of the Colby Hill Ecological Project.  At this site we have put out a series of 45 slate sandwiches with wooden spacers

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Herp Update: Map turtle mystery; fall frog calls; bullfrog gape — September 2, 2022

Herpers, it has been too long since I sent out an update. Here in the office we have been really busy keeping up with the records that are being sent in by others (~375 during July and August) and those

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Herp Update: Recent Herp Activity — May 25, 2022

Recent Herp Activity Along with the many choruses of Gray Treefrogs that people have been reporting, the extremely warm weather toward the end of last week even motivated a few American Bullfrogs to call here in the Lake Champlain Valley.

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Herp Update: presentation, frog math, creative names — April 25, 2022

Upcoming Presentation I am giving a presentation on Significant Reptiles and Amphibians of Monkton (and the Monkton Underpasses) for the Monkton Conservation Commission this Wednesday, April 27th. It is a hybrid presentation, so you can attend in person or through

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Herp Update: amphibian reports, road search education, salamander ID — April 9, 2022

Recent Activity Herpers, many amphibian reports and photos have come in over the past week. At the moment I have about 40 reports in my inbox and it will be a few days before I catch up with them and

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Herp Update: Education event, migration reports, call-in show — April 1, 2022

Morgan Road Herpers, it was a big night at Morgan Road in Salisbury last night at our public educational event. This annual event is organized by the Otter Creek Audubon Society and the Salisbury Conservation Commission. Last night we had

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Fall Frog Calls

Regarding late summer and early fall amphibian calls: Gray Treefrogs will call from trees on warm humid afternoons in late summer and sometimes early fall.  Their fall call is the same as their spring call, but once again, it is

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Herp Update: Fundraising, herp activity, migration coming – March 24, 2021

Fundraiser Herpers, we have reached our fundraising goal for the year!  Thanks for your help.  We will shut down the GoFundMe site early next week, but you are always able to make a donation directly by check or through PayPal

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Herp Update: August 24 – calls, spiny softshell, peeper challenge

Calls & a Challenge Herpers, the birds and amphibians have almost entirely finished calling and mating for the year and the insects have taken over the singing responsibilities until frost arrives. One amphibian call that is just starting is the

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