Patti Casey and Colin McCaffrey Fundraising Concert this Saturday in Salisbury The Patti Casey and Colin McCaffrey concert, originally scheduled for a few weeks ago, had to be postponed since one of our performers had covid. All the players are…
Herpers, it has been too long since I sent out an update. Here in the office we have been really busy keeping up with the records that are being sent in by others (~375 during July and August) and those…
Recent Herp Activity Along with the many choruses of Gray Treefrogs that people have been reporting, the extremely warm weather toward the end of last week even motivated a few American Bullfrogs to call here in the Lake Champlain Valley.…
Spring Salamanders We have recently spent two days in Sharon trying to find Spring Salamanders in that town. Although we updated records for a variety of other species, we were unable to find any Spring Salamanders. Spring Salamanders are one…
Late Calling Frogs Herpers, although Wood Frogs and Northern Leopard Frogs finished calling weeks ago, some relatively common species such as Gray Treefrogs, American Bullfrogs, and Green Frogs are still calling. However, in addition to the more common species, I…