Recent Herp Activity Over the last few nights American Toads have been on the move in much of Vermont. Last night Kate and Molly Kelly joined me on a nighttime road search in Benson and West Haven and I was…
Recent Herp Activity Over the last few nights American Toads have been on the move in much of Vermont. Last night Kate and Molly Kelly joined me on a nighttime road search in Benson and West Haven and I was…
Recent Herp Activity In much of Vermont, the warm and wet weather during the week of April 8-12 generated the bulk of our early-spring-amphibian migration. However, the warm, and dry weather over the past week has generated reports of Common…
Recent Herp Activity Along with the many choruses of Gray Treefrogs that people have been reporting, the extremely warm weather toward the end of last week even motivated a few American Bullfrogs to call here in the Lake Champlain Valley.…
New Feature on our VtHerpAtlas website! Herpers, last year Kate Kelly added a new feature to our website. She added separate quick-reference photo guides for adult snakes, juvenile snakes, turtles, salamanders, and frogs. Hopefully these will help report-contributors save time…