Tag: migration

Herp Update: Safety, salamander crossings – March 27, 2021

Herpers, in portions of the Lake Champlain Basin everything came together last night.  Kate Kelly and I were investigating some previously unvisited locations in Rutland County.  On our return we swung by two crossing sites near Fern Lake in Leicester

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Herp Update

Herpers, there was lots of amphibian movement last night during the rains. Where I was along Route 100 in Granville, the rains did not come through until after 11 PM making for a late night. Still, the team I was

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Snakes on the move, a great opportunity

Herpers, these first frosty nights of the fall will motivate snakes to head back to their dens. The first warm sunny afternoon after a frost is one of the easiest times to find snakes. The frosty night is the signal

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In the News: May 2020

A brief round up of this month’s news and mentions of the Atlas: May 18: “F&W: Turtles on the Roadway Need Your Help” from Saint Albans Messenger at https://www.samessenger.com/news/f-w-turtles-on-the-roadway-need-your-help/article_6f8ba722-9906-11ea-a519-13455e108690.html “When you spot a turtle in the road, you may be

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to the Herpers: Amphibian Migration Sunday Night

Four-toed Salamander (Hemdactylium scutatum, venter, in hand, Bridport, April 7, 2017 copyright (c) Jack Leonard and used by permission)

A note from Jim: Herpers, the current forecast for Sunday night looks good for amphibian migration. Here in the Lake Champlain Basin, Spotted Salamanders may still be moving away from breeding pools, but in the mountains, north-central Vermont, and the

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Wood Frogs in Lust

Wood Frog in amplexus with a fish. Duxbury, VT. Copyright (c) Jamie Harlow and used by permission.

a note from Jim: Herpers, I am starting to see more Spotted Salamander egg-masses at higher elevations, but they are not done laying eggs yet. They enter pools and lay eggs over a period of about a month. Most of

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to the Herpers: Update on last week

a note from Jim: Herpers, I am still working my way through all the reports from early last week. Amphibians were moving in great numbers on Monday night clear to the Canadian border. Lots of great reports and photos have

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to the Herpers: Amphibian Migration Tonight

a note from Jim: Herpers, tonight looks good for amphibian migration. I have had scores of reports of amphibians sightings over the past week. They have come from dozens of towns from Brattleboro, north west to Grand Isle and as

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Amphibian Migration Tonight

Herpers, it looks like tonight will be a good night to get out on a quiet country road with your flashlight and reflective clothing and see some amphibians. It is fun pandemic-safe activity as long as you stay away from

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Herp Updates

Herpers, there have been lots of reports of herp activity this weekend. Wood Frogs have been reported calling in full chorus from many towns and large numbers of their fresh egg-masses are now visible in ponds in the central Vermont

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