Special request Herpers, I have been asked to be on Vermont Public’s Vermont Edition program this Thursday at noon. It is an hour-long radio program from 12-1 that is rebroadcast at 7 PM in the evening. Jane Lindholm was the…
Herps in the News Herpers, on the first of our two public educational events at the Morgan Road amphibian crossing here in Salisbury, we had two VPR reporters in attendance. Their coverage went online today. It is a nice piece…
Morgan Road Herpers, it was a big night at Morgan Road in Salisbury last night at our public educational event. This annual event is organized by the Otter Creek Audubon Society and the Salisbury Conservation Commission. Last night we had…
A brief round up of this month’s news and mentions of the Atlas: May 18: “F&W: Turtles on the Roadway Need Your Help” from Saint Albans Messenger at https://www.samessenger.com/news/f-w-turtles-on-the-roadway-need-your-help/article_6f8ba722-9906-11ea-a519-13455e108690.html “When you spot a turtle in the road, you may be…
A bit of news from February: Feb 20: Keith Whitcomb of the Rutland Herald wrote about the Atlas and its funding drive for The Eagle Times: “Reptile and frog atlas finds funding solutions”. Available at https://www.eagletimes.com/news/reptile-and-frog-atlas-finds-funding-solutions/article_21598288-365d-5690-a37f-17ca2bbbf5b2.html For the second year…