Our Annual Fundraiser Continues Herpers, we have raised over $16,000 of our annual $20,000 goal in our annual fundraiser. So far, 85 people have donated amounts ranging from $10 to $2,500. If you donated already, thanks. If not, please consider…
Lots of Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Last Night Reports of amphibians on the move are pouring in. Most of them are from last night and they come from as far north as Cabot and as far south as Putney. Most…
Herp Activity Amphibian Migration Continues in Fits and Starts Herpers, since our first significant amphibian migration almost one month ago on March 5, winter has returned and left a couple times. I don’t think that the temperatures ever got cold…
Continuing Amphibian Activity Herpers, with the temperatures at 50°F and the rains becoming heavy around 5 PM, I had to run over to the Morgan Road amphibian crossing here in Salisbury again last night. Given that this was both warmer…
Recent Amphibian Activity (last night) Herpers, aside from the occasional reports of snakes and salamanders spending the winter in people’s cellars, current herptile reports have stopped coming in. That said, I did head out to the Morgan Road amphibian crossing…
A New Course Offering: Conserving Vermont’s Reptiles January through May 2022 through Vermont Family Forests Learn the identification, natural history, survey techniques, conservation, and management of Vermont’s turtles, snakes, and lizards with herpetologist Jim Andrews. The class will begin with…
from an email Jim sent: Folks, I just received a report of a Painted Turtle out yesterday in Fair Haven. Eastern Red-backed Salamanders were moving two nights ago here in Salisbury, and a Common Gartersnake was seen on the surface…