I hope you all survived our storm without too much damage. We have power and only small branches down here in Salisbury, but other Herp Atlas staff are without power, phone, or wifi at their homes. Update on Our Annual…
I hope you all survived our storm without too much damage. We have power and only small branches down here in Salisbury, but other Herp Atlas staff are without power, phone, or wifi at their homes. Update on Our Annual…
Patti Casey/Colin McCaffrey fundraising concert rescheduled for Saturday, October 29 Sadly, one of our performers tested positive for covid the morning of our scheduled fundraising concert, so we had to postpone the event. We have rescheduled the event for Saturday, October…
Herpers, one of your fellow wildlife enthusiasts has raised some concerns about behaviors he has seen at some of our major amphibian road crossings. So, I want to remind everyone that we are trying to save individual amphibians and protect…
Herpers, our first herp report of the year came in on January 1st from Kiley Briggs and Melanie L who checked in on an overwintering site for Wood Turtles. He sent a video that showed two or three turtles underneath…
A brief round up of this month’s news and mentions of the Atlas: May 18: “F&W: Turtles on the Roadway Need Your Help” from Saint Albans Messenger at https://www.samessenger.com/news/f-w-turtles-on-the-roadway-need-your-help/article_6f8ba722-9906-11ea-a519-13455e108690.html “When you spot a turtle in the road, you may be…